In loose-housed systems, when space allowance is increased and stocking density decreased, cows will spend more time lying down. Aggressive behavior and competition is also reduced when there is sufficient space. In all housing systems, cattle should be able to groom all parts of their body; prevention of this behavior can cause frustration.
Which animals to assess:
Using WISE-ST criteria, every pen will be observed for space allowance.
How to assess:
Cattle must be able to turn around freely in their pen. Evidence for this can be if cattle are seen facing both directions in the pen/hutch during an evaluation, or feces at both the front and rear of a pen/hutch; both indicate that the cattle had the ability to turn around at one point. Tethers are acceptable if they allow the animals to turn around; tiestalls are not.
Adult cow pens should have a minimum of 1 usable stall per cow.
Tethers may be used provided the tether is long enough that cattle can turn fully around and access shade/shelter when needed.
Adult cow pens should have a minimum of 1 usable stall per cow.
Tethers may be used provided the tether is long enough that cattle can turn fully around and access shade/shelter when needed.
Acceptable |
Unacceptable |
There is currently no repeatability test for this measure.