Udder Health
Written protocols should be in place and reviewed annually with your veterinarian and employees to ensure that certain procedures are carried out appropriately.
To reduce the incidence of mastitis and produce high quality milk.
How to assess:
Review the udder health protocol to confirm that the average SCC for the past 3 months and the past 12 months is <400,000, and that the following information is included and that appropriate criteria are being met:
Dairy Well
- A plan must exist for:
- Keeping the environment, including stalls and housing, clean (prevention)
- Proper milking procedure, including a plan for udder prep
- Proper maintenance of milking equipment, including a plan for service, replacement, and sanitizing
- Mastitis management and control, including a plan for detection, and records must be kept for all cases
- As per PMO (Pasteurized Milk Order), must dip, wipe, and forestrip each cow, in addition to washing and sanitizing
- Signed by VOR
A template is provided as a guideline; farms may write their own as long as minimum content is met.