Milking Routine
Written protocols should be in place and reviewed annually with your veterinarian and employees to ensure that certain procedures are carried out appropriately.
To ensure low-stress animal handling and well-being during milking.
How to assess:
Review the milking routine protocol to confirm that the following information is included and that appropriate criteria are being met:
National Dairy FARM Program
- Cows should be moved without excessive vocal or physical interaction
- Handlers should walk against the flow of cows coming into the parlor, paying attention to the reaction of the cattle and adjust for balking or stopping
- Gates and restraining equipment operate smoothly, quietly, and safely
- Waiting time is minimized for each milking
- Milking equipment has been tested in the last 6 months
- Wait times are less than 5 hours/pen in a 24-hour period
- Animals are calm during milking
- Cows are evaluated for mastitis (visually, palpation, stripping) as part of the milking routine
- Teats are dipped or sprayed after milking
- If used:
- Rapid exit leaves adequate room for cows to exit without being hit by stalls
- Crowd gate is used sensibly and not aggressively