Knees are scored to evaluate if cattle have a comfortable resting area. Unforgiving bedding or stall features are the biggest risk for hair loss, scabs, and swelling.
Which animals to assess:
Using the sample guidelines, score lactating cows. The group scored for hocks and knees should be the lactating cows that follow those that were scored for locomotion.
Using the "Everywhere" criteria, every pen, including the hospital, will be observed for severe knee injuries.
Using the "Everywhere" criteria, every pen, including the hospital, will be observed for severe knee injuries.
When to assess:
Knee injuries should be scored when the animal is standing. Knees should be evaluated in the milking parlor whenever possible. In small herds or herds with only one milking group, it is recommended that the first group of cows into the parlor is evaluated for knees and then the auditor moves on to score the remainder of the herd for locomotion. In tiestall barns, or groups scored while cows are at the feed bunk or locked up, knees will need to be scored after milking in the pen, along with hocks, tails, and hygiene.
How to assess:
If both knees are visible, score the worst side. If the front of the knee is not visible, score only 1 or 3, based on what can be seen, and note this.
Areas of hair loss must be completely bald, with no hair inside. If there are several areas of hair loss on a knee, apply the size rules to each area (do not sum them). Hair loss size can be evaluated by length or width; it does not need to be round.
Score swelling size by looking at deviation from the line of the leg, either from the side or from head on.
Areas of hair loss must be completely bald, with no hair inside. If there are several areas of hair loss on a knee, apply the size rules to each area (do not sum them). Hair loss size can be evaluated by length or width; it does not need to be round.
Score swelling size by looking at deviation from the line of the leg, either from the side or from head on.
It is useful to create a reference for the measurements listed in the scores below (1" or 2.5 cm), such as a quarter.
Score 3: Severe
Swelling greater than 1" or 2.5 cm in height, and/or an open or bleeding wound 0% of cows sampled should score a 3 Using the "Everywhere" criteria, observe all pens, including the hospital, for score 3 injuries |