Maintaining identification of individual animals and health records in a herd are essential to ensuring animal health and welfare, as they are necessary to monitor individual and herd health, evaluate if therapies are adequate, and identify areas in need of attention.
Which animals to assess:
Evaluate treatment for all calves and lactating cows in the hospital pen, or marked for treatment, up to 10.
How to assess:
Up-to-date health records, including treatment, morbidity (including injury), and mortality events for all animals must be confirmed for all age groups by comparing animals marked for treatment with lists of current treatment. Treatment records must include the animal ID, treatment date, reason for treatment, treatment dose, route, and duration with appropriate milk and meat withholds. Mortality must also be tracked, and whether the animal was euthanized.
If no animals are currently being treated, confirm that treatment records are being kept. |
This template is provided as a guideline; farms may write their own as long as minimum content is met