Training employees, including family members, on proper stockmanship is essential to protecting the health and welfare of all cattle on the farm.
How to assess:
Employee Training Log:
Records and training logs must be reviewed to determine if all current caregivers have received initial and annual refresher training by verifying current employee names with the log and date of training. Confirmation of training will be confirmed by asking two caregivers at random about when, how, and what type of training was provided to them. Cattle Care Agreement: All caregivers (including owners and managers) and service providers (including the herd veterinarian, nutritionist, and hoof trimmers) who may come into contact with cattle on the farm must each review and sign a Cattle Care Agreement with a corresponding endorsement signature from the owner or manager. This agreement must define and clearly state that abuse and neglect are not tolerated and that employees must report problems. Stockmanship Training: Every caregiver must review the Merck Dairy Care 365 Learning Modules:
Culture of Care: Internal animal welfare assessments must be taken at least once per year and results should be documented. Internal assessments serve as an important driver for continuous improvement and reinforce management's commitment to animal welfare with staff. |
This template is provided as a guideline; farms may write their own as long as minimum content (highlighted in blue) is met