Emergency Response
Written protocols should be in place and reviewed annually with your veterinarian and employees to ensure that certain procedures are carried out appropriately.
To identify when an emergency situation may be likely, ensure quick and effective responses to an emergency, and minimize the impact of an emergency wherever possible
How to assess:
Review the emergency action/response protocol to confirm that the following information is included and that appropriate criteria are being met:
Dairy Well
- Emergency contact information for the farm owner, manager, VOR, and local fire department is posted prominently
- Fire extinguishers are available and accessible
- Animals must have permanent IDs
- Signed by VOR
A template is provided as a guideline; farms may write their own as long as minimum content is met.
National Dairy FARM Program
- Contact information for emergency services and contacts (including the owner, vet, milk handler, equipment dealers, and power company), and the site address must be posted in a prominently in languages understood by the employees
- Each animal must be permanently identified
- Permanent, easily accessible drug treatment records must be maintained
- A written plan for emergencies, facilities repair, and maintenance must exist
- A written emergency contact sheet must be posted and readily accessible by employees including:
- Key farm contact names
- Local emergency personnel
- Herd veterinarian
- Farm location and directions
- Farm must have an emergency action plan that employees are trained on
- Farm must have a permanent animal identification plan in place